Thoroughbred Breeders Australia is committed to bringing breeders the most relevant information on COVID-19 that can assist our industry during this challenging time. That is why the TBA has partnered with Stable Financial to discuss government stimulus packages and the JobKeeper Payment that have been established to assist businesses affected by COVID-19.
The Federal Government has introduced the JobKeeper Payment to help employers meet the cost of staff. Given a lot of farms are looking to take advantage of JobKeeper, Tom Reilly has recorded two podcasts with TBA’s honorary treasurer, Adam Tims, to get his insight on the subsidy.
Adam – who has an accountancy business that specialises in the thoroughbred business – explains some of the intricacies of qualifying your business and your staff for the scheme. TBA hopes that this podcast will provide answers to many in the industry, though it must be said that all Adam’s comments are general in nature and he encourages all businesses to speak to their accountants for specific advice.
Businesses seeking to qualify to take advantage of the full six months of subsidy, will have to register by the end of this month and, as Adam notes in the podcast, this isn’t something that can be done without some careful thought.
Listen to the first podcast by clicking on the link below:
Episode 101: COVID-19 + government stimulus + Australian breeding
Listen to the second podcast by clicking on the link below:
Episode 102: JobKeeper
The Government’s information on JobKeeper can be found at the link below:
JobKeeper Government Information
*The podcast has been published across several different hosting platforms for your convenience.